Tuesday 5 February 2013

Compare the topics and methods of the computing disciplines. Just what are the differences among these disciplines?

Topics for this week is Computing Disciplines. Many people consider the contemporary time period the “era of computing”. Indeed, technological advances in computing field has develop many exciting new directions in the world. In order to make people will able to understand computing field, we break the computing field down into five which is: Computer engineering, computer science, information systems, information technology, software engineering, and cognitive science. Absolutely each of these computing disciplines are different. Please refer table below about differences of computing disciplines.

Computer Engineering
Ø  Involves software and hardware the development of systems that involves software, hardware and communications.
v  Computer Engineer.
v  OS Developer.
Computer Science
Ø  Most popular of the computing disciplines.
Ø  Tends to be relatively broad and with an emphasis on the underlying science aspects.

v  Designing and implementing software, devising new ways to use computers, developing effective ways to solve computing problems, planning and managing organizational technology infrastructure.

Information Systems
Ø  Essentially, this is computing in an organizational context, typically in businesses.
v  Information that computer systems can provide to aid a company, non-profit or governmental organization in defining and achieving its goal.
Information Technology
Ø  Focusses on computing infrastructure and needs of individual users.
Ø  Tends to involve a study of systems.
v  CEO/ CIO of companies, also opening DotCom companies.
Software Engineering
Ø  Focuses on large-scale software systems.
Ø  Employs certain ideas from the world of engineering in building reliable software systems.
v  Software Engineer.
v  Programmer.
Cognitive Science
Ø  Is the interdisciplinary scientific study of the mind and its processes?
Ø  It examines what cognition is, what it does and how it works.

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